Iced Mango Citrus Tea Recipe

Iced Citrus Herbal Tea

In a 1 litre mason jar, add 3 tbsp. of Mango Pineapple loose leaf tea, fill with boiling water and steep for 30 minutes.* Pass through a sieve and let cool in the refrigerator.

Pour the cold tea into a pitcher and add:

- 2 tbsp. lime or lemon syrup
- 2 lime or lemon slices
- orange slices (to taste)
- 2 cups of ice cubes

Mix and enjoy!

* For a cold brew, simply steep 3 tbsp of Mango Pineapple herbal tea in 1 litre of cold water in the refrigerator for 4 hours. Pass through a sieve and add the rest of the ingredients.